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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 

We proudly stand with our communities in a shared aspiration for inclusion and opportunity for all, and we continue to stand against racism, social injustice and inequality. We’re always focused on working together to build a Stop & Shop where all voices are heard. To achieve this, we commit to improving the experience for all associates and creating an even more inclusive place to work for people of all backgrounds, races, ethnicities and genders. 

Our Associate Resource Groups (ARGs) are an important way that we drive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. These associate-led groups help to shape decisions, increase engagement and make a difference in our communities.

  • Health & Wellness ARG
  • Multicultural ARG
  • NextGen ARG
  • Veteran’s ARG
  • Women’s ARG

We are especially proud to have earned a perfect score of 100 percent on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2022 Corporate Equality Index, earning the designation as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality for the third year in a row.

Helping Hands

Stop & Shop associates have a long tradition of caring for each other, especially when they are faced with hardships and need assistance the most. That’s why we formed the Helping Hands Associate Fund, a non-profit fund supported through contributions from the company and our associates. The Helping Hands fund issues grants to help associates who are faced with extraordinary personal tragedy, sudden extreme financial hardship, or catastrophic loss related to illness or natural disaster.



Beyond the Aisles

Our associates are here for our communities, so Stop & Shop helps them give back through our Beyond the Aisles Grant Program. If associates are passionate about a non-profit initiative, they can apply for grants of up to $500 to support it. One associate used his grant to help make lunch boxes and emergency food bags for those in need. Another used a grant to provide snacks to support military children at a summer camp. Other grants have provided hygiene essentials to at-risk veterans or snacks at a walk for Alzheimer’s awareness. The possibilities for Beyond the Aisles grants are almost endless, just like our associates’ willingness to make a difference.

Phuong’s Story